Monday, April 23, 2012

Take My Privacy.

I hate the idea of thinking someone can steal your identity within seconds. It creeps me out. It is so easy to hack into someone account and use their credit/ debt cards. I would not know what to do if that happened. So the title "Take My Privacy," I do not want anyone to do that. I like the idea of being safe and having privacy. I do not want anyone to know my passwords or how to access my accounts. Those are mine and no one elses!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Me Talk Pretty One Day.

I think it would be crazy to go to another country and try to learn their language let around talk a class that only spoke it. The teacher seems to be harsh at first but in the end we find out that it their method worked. The teacher asked him to basically introduce theirselves and contridicts everything that is said, turing it around somehow. They are always speaking in french so different words were constantly being used. In the end the teachers methods taught the student to speaking french correctly and almost perfect. I think if I had a teacher that constantly contridicted what I said I would not be confindent in learning the language because I would not be doing anything right.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Would the world be bettter without religion?

I am going to be honest and start out by saying I did not understand half of things they were talking about during this debate. Most of it was way over my head. But there were a few things that I did understand so I am going to focus on those. In this debate one side was arguing that the world would be better without religion and the other was debating that it would not be better. One remark that was made stated that without religion people would not know where to seek help. Religious people are always offering help to others. The give, volunteer, and always available during communties projects. They said religion is a type of physologial thinking that is instiled to ones mind. The side that said the world would be better without religion stated that there are so many different gods who is one suppose to choose. That is so true but I believe depending on your religion that is the god you choose to follow you do not worry about the so called "other" gods. Without religion in the world it would be poor, sadder and cruel to all. It is a sense of hope for people. I like who the side that is for religion stated that an atheist is a person who is angry with god. Religion is all about empathy and moral values. This debate was very interesting but by no means changed my thinking on the topic.

Friday, April 6, 2012

After, After Prom.

This picture was taken after, after prom my senior year around 3 or 4 in the morning. This was probably one of the best nights ever. It was so much fun. After prom we all went to after prom and then after prom we went to my friend Greta’s house. All of us couple went and stayed the night. Zach, Me, Lacey, Tyson, Greta, Joe, Emily and Aaron all stayed. We were up all night and no one slept. We ate pizza, played cards and ping pong, watched movies and just enjoyed ourselves.  The thing I remember the best from that night was Aaron and Zach playing Wii and on one part they had to shake their butts and did. IT was probably the funniest thing ever to us at the time. I do not know if it was because it was so late or what but we all laughed so hard for the longest time. That night was so much fun because looking back on just last year. I have not seen some of those friends for months. I am just happy that we spent time together and made memories while we could.  

Strawberry Festival :)

Everytime I look at this picture I cannot help but laugh a little. This picture was taken this year over spring break at the Strawberry Festival in Florida. The Strawberry Festival is basically a huge carnival. It consited of serveral carnivals rides, food booths, crafts, concerts, shows, a flea markets, and music. We went not knowing what to expect but it was well worth it. The drive was about two hours from where we were staying. Once we arrived we walked around checking things out. Mom picked up a flier and say that there were a few free concerts that day so we picked one and decided to go. There were four different concerts that day. We choose a Country singer named Jay Taylor because he was compaired to George Strait. He is one of my favorite older Country artist and I was so excited, hoping he would actually sound like him. We had never heard of him so we did not know what we were in for. We messed around all day and waited for the concert. We found the place and took our seats. Emily and I found two seats up closer to the stage and mom, dad, and mamaw sat towards the back. They introduced Jay and he came out on stage singing. Mine and Emily’s chins dropped and mouths opened. He was extremely good looking!! We both looked at each other at the exact same time and knew exaclty what the other was thinking. As he continued singing his voice was amazing and definitly made him even more attractive. Once the concert was over he was signing autographs and taking pictures with people. We walked by him and his mom say us walked by and somewhat stare at and she asked us if we would like to get our picture with him we said yes and she took one for both of us! What a kind lady she was. We got our picture taken with him and that made our day.

Monday, March 26, 2012

My Weekend.

This past weekend has been the best! I went home for the first time in a month. That was the longest I have been away from home. I came home Thursday after my classes since I do not have classes on Friday. Friday I went out to lunch with my Mamaw. After my mom got off work we went to walmart and then came home. Mom fixed dinner which tasted so good. Her cooking beats the food on campus any day. Friday night I got to see one of my friends from high school that I had not seen in months. We went and got ice cream at Dairy Queen and then just hung out and talked for a while. It was great catching up and seeing him. Saturday I spent the day with mom and dad in Louisville for my dad’s birthday. We ate at Kingfish and did some shopping. It was so much fun just getting to spend the day with them. Sunday we all went to church and had lunch at my mamaw and papaws house. After I spent some time with them I came home packed and went back to school. I had such a great weekend and would not have changed it for anything. I had definitely missed home and my family.  I doubt I go a month again without coming home, it is not worth it.

Mirror, Mirror.

I choose the article titled, “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Do The Data Tell It All?” In this article is about someone who keeps track of literally everything. He is addicted to numbers and considers himself a nerd. He keeps track of every email he has ever received and sent, GPS location tracks, Medical test data, “endless” cooperate records, his complete genome, and all the time he has spent exercising. He basically knows everything about himself, and has record of everything.  


-Students should work one year between high school and college.

Claim: I think young adults should start college right out of high school.

I do not agree with this statement. I feel like after school it is the young adult’s decision to decide what they want to do, whether that be to pursue a career right out of high school or to start college. In my opinion college is not for everyone.  Some choose to get a job for a year after high school so that they can save money up for school. College is expensive and that year saving up can really help. But I feel like it is best to start college right out of high school. I think they are more likely to be motivated and to stick with it. If one waits a year then they may not decide to go back to school and just continue working never getting the opportunity to do what they want.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Cross My Heart ♥

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Everyone has a song that they love. One that has meaning to them or that they can relate to. For me, "I Cross My Heart" by George Strait is by far my favorite song ever. The words in the song are so touching and can definitely grasp the listeners attention. The first time I heard this song I was not completely paying attention, I just heard bits and pieces of it. The parts that I did hear I loved. I instantly wanted to hear the complete song. Ever since I heard the complete song it has been my favorite by far. The words are so meaningful and can definitely touch someones heart. Someday I hope to find a love like this and that is true. This is the perfect song in my eyes and one day I want it to be played at my wedding so I can share my favorite song with the love of my life and promise them exactly what is said in the song.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring Break 2010.

I am so ready for Spring Break!! I am going to Florida just like I have every year. I have been to Florida every year since I was six months old. My grandparents go down every winter and stay for four months. They have a house down there which is in a town called Sebring. It is a gorgeous little town in southern Florida. From my house it takes us around seventeen hours to get there. When just mom and I go we fly but when dad goes we drive and this year we are driving. I am really excited about this year because we are all going and we do not always get to do that. Also this year my best friend Emily is going with us. She has never been to Florida before so she is coming with us. It will be a lot more fun with her there. The drive is going to be long but it will be worth it. We always get up at the crack of dawn and drive through the night. It is kind of nice driving at night because I will usually sleep several hours and it makes the time go by so much faster. Not only do we spend time with my grandparents but we do all kinds of things. We usually spend a couple days at the ocean, shop, get our nails done, eat out and whatever else we decide to do. I love going to Florida. I have made so many memories there over the years. It is fun sometimes to just get away from here and enjoy time with family.


If I was part of an organization and was given $10,000 to fix a problem on campus I would use to switch internet services. Recently I have heard several other USI student complain about the internet connection and I am right there with them. It seems like every week I have problem with the internet here somehow. For instance sometime I cannot connect to the internet and I am not able to do anything with it and other times I can connect but not everything will load on the site I need. Several times I have had trouble with getting on MyUSI and Blackboard and that can be a hassle especially since more teachers require things to be turned in through Blackboard. If Blackboard is down then what, you cannot turn your assignment in. So, if we were given $10,000 we would find a solution to this problem. I know it affects us all.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Biology Class.

Everyone has a subject that they do not like or one that they find challenging. For me I would have to say biology is my worst and my least favorite subject. This semester I am currently enrolled in Bio 105 and my teacher is Barbara Kalvelage. We call her Mrs. K. For the first time I actually feel like I am understanding a biology class. Mrs. K has an awesome teaching ability and it honestly works. She is great with using visuals to make the class understand things. She always offers special study sessions where we can go and ask questions one on one with her. During class we follow along with a lecture guide and the study guide is basically the test. If you study the lecture guide you should be okay on the test. Her tests are not impossible but you do have to study. In lab she always makes it fun and interesting. She can turn something very boring into something fun and interesting. We have lab manuals that we follow along with during labs and answer questions. The lab manual tells us what will be on the practical. Like in lecture if you study the lab manual you will do fine on the tests. The lab manual has the exact pictures and models that will be used on the practical. She is passionate about her work and has our best interest at hand. She can be fun and crazy at times to lively us up. I would definitely recommend her to anyone. She is a great teacher.


Family is one of the best things in life. My family means to world to me and I don’t know what I would do with them in my life. In this picture are my mom and dad. We took this picture in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is one of many one day trips we have taken over the years. But this one seems to be special and a little different. I hadn’t been home in like a month so over Christmas break we went and spent the entire day in Cincinnati together. We left at 6 in the morning and did not get home until around 11 at night. It was one of the best days I had in quite a while. We went to the aquarium, saw a movie, went shopping in downtown and ate out. While at the aquarium we saw tons of underwater animals, and even had the opportunity to see Santa scuba dive, not many people can say that! We went to theater in the mall and saw a movie and did some shopping. We ended our day by eating at a local seafood restaurant. It was a simple day but it was so much fun to get to spend it with my mom and dad since I had not seen them in a while. My parents have always been there for me no matter what and I know they always will be. When I need help fixing something or if I am hurt I will always go to my dad and when I need comforting or someone to talk to I tend to go to my mom. But I know no matter the situation I will always have both of them there for me. We are a close family and I would not change that for anything. I hope that someday when I have a family of my own we will be able to take these days trips, make memories and become a close family like mine is now.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Senior Trip.

We took our Senior Trip to Kings Island. It was not the best day to go to an amusement park. It was cold and poured down rain the entire day. But we did our best to make it the best we could. This may look like the weather was nice out but it was not. This was one of the few breaks from the weather that we got. In this picture there is me, Greta, McKinzie (Mabel), Emily, and Lacey. We all spent the day together. The whole day we stood in long lines in the pouring rain but we made it worth it. We turned a nasty day into a day I will never forget. We stood in line for a certain roller coaster for an hour and a half and then they ended up shutting it down due to the weather. We gave up and went to another ride. Throughout the day we would run into other classmates and see them drenched just like us. The thing I will remember the most about that day was when we went up in the “Eiffel Tower” which of course was a fact version of it. I am scared of heights and did not want to go up it. The girls finally talked me into it and I went up. Once we got to the top I was not about to go near the edge. We had been up at the top for a while and then all of a sudden I heard a loud rumble of thunder. I was ready to get on the ground at that point. I grabbed one of my friends and pulled them to the front of the line with me and I got out of there. Luckily I made it to the bottom safely. J Even though it was a rainy and dreary day, it was really fun and I will always remember it.

Last Day of Senior Yr.

 Senior Year 2011. This picture was taken on our last full day of school my senior year. This has been a tradition at Paoli High School basically forever and we were not about to be the class to stop it. We all gathered in the hallway, counted to three and threw all the papers in our lockers up in the air out in the hallway. We were so loud in the hallway but we did not care. It was basically the end of our senior year and we everyone to know we were out of there. We all stood around talking about different things and reminiscing on our Senior Year. I took this picture after we were done. The hallway was a complete mess. I love to look at this picture and think back on senior year and all the different things we did together as a class. I wish we would have done a lot more together as a class before our senior year. But our senior year definitely brought us together as a class. We did several things our senior year. We had our senior trip where we to Kings Island, a bunch of us got together one day when we did not have school and went to Frecklick. We all met at Denny’s, had lunch and walked around the hotel and dome. We had spirit competitions at school and several of us would get together and come up with ideas to outdo the others classes. Those were just a few of the things we did together. I miss high school at times and all my friends being together. I hope we all continue to be friends and do not completely grow apart.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Novelist Ernest Hemingway once defined courage as "grace under pressure." I went to preschool with this girl and it seems like I have known her forever. We went to the same church together and basically grew up right beside one another. We were always doing things together and considered each other really good friends. I always enjoyed her as a friends because we had the same religious views on things and knew what was right from wrong. This incident happened in the 8th grade I believe. Everyone always hears of bullying. This incident involved bullying in it. We were sitting at lunch and over heard a couple other girls talking badly about this other girl we knew. They were using words that did not describe her at all. They kept saying she had done things with on of the girls boyfriends. Which was completely not true. At that point my friend was getting mad and wanted to tell them just to stop talking about her behind her back. I told her just to forget it and not get involved. She did not listen to me and got up. She walked over to their table and told them it was not nice to talk behind others backs especially if everything they were saying was not true. Those girls did not like what she had to say very well and hit her in the face. I jumped up and grabbed my friend and took her to the bathroom. This incident opened my eyes. All she was doing was standing up for someone and she gets hit in the face. I think that was completely unfair but I was proud to call her my friend. She stood up for what she knew was wrong. It made me realize I needed to stand up more in certain incidents.

Knowing your audience.

Knowing who your audience is very useful when giving a speech. This information can help anyone who is going to give a speech/presentation to a group of people. By knowing your audience it helps you to plan appropriately to their level. How do you get to know your audience? Well this can be done very easily. Some important information to know about your audience is age, occupation, religion, and ethnic background. By knowing the age you will be able to adjust the infomation to their level. You would want to speak differently college students than you would elementary students. You want to know the occupation of those you will be speaking to and make sure you get your point across. If you were giving a presentation to your boss for something you would want to make sure it was the best it could be and want to impress him or her. Also, by knowing the religion and ethnic group you are presenting to it can help you be sure not a affend your audience. You want to get your point across but you may to change a few things up. Especially if it may offend someone personally. I am not exactly sure how getting to know your audience was invented but I think it is more common since than anything. By getting to know your audience it helps your presentation be affective and well meaningful.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interview on Math 100.

Interview with: Emily Hogan

1.       What course are you currently taking?

-           Math 100

2.       Who is your teacher?

-           Bleichroth

3.       Would you recommend them to others?

-          “Yes!”

4.       If yes, Why?

-          “She is very helpful.”

5.       Is he/she easy to reach outside of class?

-          “We can email her with questions. I haven’t ever needed to email with her with questions though.”

6.       Is he/she clear and easy to understand?

-          “Yes, she is American!”

7.       What materials are required for this course?

-Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Binder, Review Sheet and Scientific Calculator

8.       When do you meet for this class? Time?

-          Lab on Wednesday from 10-10:50, then outside of class you have to complete 100 minutes on your own, in 3 days.

9.       Is a lot of work done outside of the actual classroom setting?

-          Yes, the 100minutes

10.   What are the requirements for this course?

-          Complete all assignments, pre-tests, and tests on time and complete the class with a C- or better.

11.   Are tests/quizzes timed?

-          No.

12.   What is your least favorite thing about this course?

-          “That I have to make up time sometimes.”

13.   What is your favorite thing about this course?

-          “Passing tests!”

14.   Why did you decide to take this course?

-          Core Requirement

15.   What is something someone should know about this class before considering to take it?

-          “It’s an online course and you are basically teaching yourself.”

Questionnaire (Dorms.)

Dorms: Answer Honestly (Helps with Roommate Placements!)
Do you consider yourself a people person?
___ Yes
___ No
Would you prefer someone who is applying for the same major?
___ Yes
___ No
Do you like to study with others?
___ Yes
___ No
Would you prefer someone you already know or someone new?
___ Already Know
___ Someone New
Do you like to listen to music/TV while studying?
___ Yes
___ No
Do you prefer everything to be clean and tidy?
___ Yes
___ No
What time do you usually like to go to bed?
___ Between 9-11
___ Between 11- 1
___ Later than 1am
How far away are you from home?
___  1- 3 hours
___ 3 - 5 hours
___ 5 – 7
___ over 7 hours

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

   We took this picture over the summer at Emily’s house. Every time I look at this picture it makes me laugh. We had to jump into that pool about ten times and finally we were able to time it perfectly and capture us jumping. I spent about three days a week during the summer before I would go to work there. This picture brings back a lot of memories from the summer. Me and Emily would swim, lie out, talk, and listen to music. Occasionally we would invite someone else over but usually it was just us two. Usually about once a week we would take turns driving back and forth to the Curb-Ette which is a little restaurant where you eat outside. We would always get chicken strips and chocolate banana milkshakes every time we went. By the end of the summer the lady knew what we wanted without even telling her. We liked to think of ourselves as her number one customers. Emily and I spent a lot of time together over the summer. Not only did I just spend time with her swimming and eating. I also did several other things. I spent a lot of time with all my friends. We would get together as a large group and do different things. We would spend weekends camping at the late, we went go cart riding, out to eat, had bonfires, played volleyball, went bowling, shopping, watched movies, and had sleepovers. I enjoyed spending all that time with my friends because I did not know when we would all be able to be together again with college starting and all of us going our separate ways. Along with hanging out with friends as much as I could I also spent two weeks of the summer at camp, and I also worked at Video One. During my two weeks I spent at camp, I was a camper one week and a faculty member the next. The week I was a faculty member was the best week of my summer, I enjoyed it greatly. While I was at camp I would drive back and forth to work. I worked at Video One with is a video rental and tanning salon. I worked there for a year and 4months. I absolutely loved that job and actually did not mind when I had to work on Friday and Saturday nights. It was fun getting to know the customers and talking to them. It was also nice to make a little extra money for school. For the most part I had a great summer!!!


    I took this picture one morning last summer in Florida before the beach was crowded. I love looking at this picture, it make me happy. When I look at this picture I think about all my trips to Florida. My grandparents live there when it is winter time here. They hate the cold and I do not blame them. They have a house in a town called Sebring. We have been going to Florida every year since I was six months old. I actually took my first steps in Florida. I like to tell people that. We used to go every year for a week in February until I started school and ever since then we have been going on my spring breaks. It takes sixteen hours by car to get there and about two by plane. We usually fly about every other year. I like flying because it does not take near as long to get there but then I like to drive because you get to see a lot more things this way and if you see something you like you can stop and see it. Every year we try to do something different than the year before. We have been to Disney World, Universal Studios, The Ocean, The Gulf, Anna Marie Island, and several other places. I loved Disney we went when I was in the sixth grade and I would love to go back sometime soon. I can remember getting ready to ride Space Mountain with my mom and I was so scared. Space Mountain is a roller coaster completely in the dark. I was young and it completely freaked me out. I was literally crying in line but finally I got the nerves up and rode it. When I got off I wanted to ride it again, I really enjoyed it. But I would have to say Anna Marie Island had been my favorite so far. Anna Marie Island is a small island on the gulf. We got a hotel on water and spent two days there. While there we swam in the gulf, we ate at amazing restaurant on the water and shopped. It was fun just to enjoy time with the family all being together. This past year we went to this winery called Hins Scratch, they have a winery, an ice cream shop and a little shop with homemade items. I am completely terrified of chickens and the name says it all. We pulled in and there were chickens everywhere.  I was not about to get out of truck. My papaw had to force me out of the vehicle and made him walk right beside me just in case one came after me. I have made so many memories over the years in Florida, both big and small. I hope that we continue going over the years and that someday my children will get to experience these kinds of memories like I am now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Holiday World incident.

Memories, Some you want to remember and some you would rather forget about.. This one, I would rather forget about.
     Carrie, Hope, Haley and I had been planning a trip to Holiday World for about a month and finally the day came. We met at Walmart and were off on our mini road trip. Once we got there we met up with Haley's boyfriend and three of his friends. We all spent the day together, enjoying all the rides and the water park. After spending basically all day there we decided we were all hungry again but did not want to pay for the costly amusment park food again. We decided to pack up and go out to eat somewhere. Finally we decided on Wendys. Once we got there, we all pilled out of the car and were ready to eat. I was driving, I got out and locked the doors. We all went inside and about the time I got to the front of the line I realized I did not have my wallet. It was pitch black outside and I asked one of the guys to walk me outside because the dark in a strange place kind of creeps me out. We walked outside and I grabbed my wallet. About the time that I was reaching for my wallet I realized that one of the girls had thrown their wet swimsuit in my seat. I decided to move it so that I would not have to sit in a wet seat on the way home. I sat my keys down in the drivers seat and grabbed the swimsuit, with intentions of putting it in my trunk. Once I had walked around my car to the trunk I realized I did not have my keys. Without my keys I could not get into my trunk or my car. I had locked my keys in car. I began freaking out because we were still about fourty five minutes from home. I called my dad and asked him what I should do. He told me to call the police and if they could not help me then he said he would have to come give me our spare key. We ran over to the gas station and asked the workers for the number to police station, they gave it to us and I called. The police officer told me it would be about fifteen minutes before an officer could be there to help me. By that time my friends were out in the parking lot asking what was taking us so long. I explained to them what happened and that the police were coming. Once the police officer came I had to sign some papers and he unlocked my car. After he unlocked it he stood and talked to us for a little, basically giving me a hard time about the situation. Once my car was unlocked, I was not hungry anymore and I was just ready to go home.

B.E.S.T. Friends :)

Through thick and thin, we will always have each others backs! :)

     When I think of a friend I think of someone you have had a casual conversation with and that you are somewhat aquainted with. But when I think of a best friend I think of someone who you knows exactly who you are, someone who can tell when you upset or having a bad day. Someone who you can share anything and everything with. Someone you can trust and that will always be there for you. Someone who is willing to let you cry on their shoulder and always up for giving helpful advise.
     In this picture you can see both of my best friends, Lacey and Greta. This picture was taken right after homecoming our senior year. All three of us were nominated from homecoming queen along with two other girls. Unfortunatly I did not win but that it was ok because Lacey did. I told her I was jealous but in all seriousness she knew I was really excited for her. She told me that I could try the crown on so that I would not be too jealous. I did and we took this picture.
     Not only does this picture remind me of homecoming along with other high school memories we were involved in together but it also reminds me that no matter what we are always going to be there for each other. Us three have been through alot together, family issues, drama, boy trouble and all the other usual teenage drama. I hope we continue to stay this way. Now that we are all off at college and all going to different schools we do not really get the oppurtunity to hangout as much together but hopefully if will interfer with our friendship. We talk all the time still and keep each other up to date. I love these girls to death and would do anything for them!!! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Education has always been a passion of mine. I was the kid who actually enjoyed going to school and did not mind getting homework. I loved learning and still do. I like the challenge of tough homework assignments. I also love the challenge of working with others in group activities even though sometimes in groups I would feel like I was the only one who cared and tired for the good grades. I have never been good with tests, those are my weak points but I always try to study my hardest. One of my favorite things about school has always been writing.

I personally love writing. I have a journal I write in whenever I feel the need to. It is not usually an everyday thing but sometimes it is nice to express myself without actually talking to someone. I know that whatever I say to my journal no one will know and it is a way for me to distress myself, which I have found very useful in college.

 I enjoy writing all different kinds of papers. But I would have to say my favorite type of paper to write is a personal essay. I enjoy putting my thoughts and feelings into words to share a story. It is a way for me to express myself. Over the years I have saw great progression in my writings from the first paper I ever wrote to now. It is amazing to see the change and how I have become a better writer. Even though I have progressed majorly there are still those mistakes I make in my writings.
            It never fails I always make simple errors in my writings. When it comes to writing I have my struggles. Punctuation and grammar are my biggest struggles. Since the third grade we have been given worksheets to help us on punctuation and grammar but for me it just has never clicked. Just once I would love to turn in a paper that is completely punctuation and grammar free, but for now I will keep wishing.

               After spending weeks on a paper revising it and adding important details I am always ready to turn it in. It gives me a sense of accomplishment when I finish a paper and turn it in knowing I did my best on it.

                My education has taught me to become a better writer. Not just in English class but also in my other classes, no matter what class teachers always expected different things with our writing. With different teachers expecting different things they have all taught me new and better ways to write. I would always take their criticisms and ideas into mind. I always want to improve my writings and learn new and better ways to write.

Who Am I??

Who am I? That is an extremely tough question for me to answer about myself. To be honest I have not exactly figured that out whom I am. 
              I would like to think of myself as a bright and intelligent young woman. I think I am outgoing and someone who is always up for a challenge. I am reliable and someone who others can trust. A person who others can talk to about personal issues or just about anything that is going on in their lives. I like to think younger kids look up to me when I help at church and at the elementary school back home as a role model. I like to think of myself as a strong Christian and one who tells others about my beliefs and one that is not afraid to stick up for them. I try to standout and be my own person. I like to think that I do not care what others think or say about me.
            But deep down I care way too much about what others think about me, I take it to heart. Even when my friends are joking around and messing with me, they may not think it bothers me but really it does. I get embarrassed easily if I do something wrong or say something dumb, I turn bright red. I am shy and jealous. I tend to be jealous of others, especially those who have talents like people who can sing, good at sports, photography, etc. I have yet to find anything I am talented with. I also find myself jealous of those who have expensive and fancy things. I have been known to question my faith. I always wonder why certain things happen and for what reason.
           I do not like the term two faced and that is not what I think of myself. I view myself as a young woman who is somewhat scared to be who she actually is, afraid of what others will think. As I am getting older I am beginning to not care as much of what others think about and truly finding who I am as a person. Even though I have yet to fully figure out who I am, I can say that someday I will know. My goal is to be known for something great and one that people will always remember.