Monday, February 13, 2012

Senior Trip.

We took our Senior Trip to Kings Island. It was not the best day to go to an amusement park. It was cold and poured down rain the entire day. But we did our best to make it the best we could. This may look like the weather was nice out but it was not. This was one of the few breaks from the weather that we got. In this picture there is me, Greta, McKinzie (Mabel), Emily, and Lacey. We all spent the day together. The whole day we stood in long lines in the pouring rain but we made it worth it. We turned a nasty day into a day I will never forget. We stood in line for a certain roller coaster for an hour and a half and then they ended up shutting it down due to the weather. We gave up and went to another ride. Throughout the day we would run into other classmates and see them drenched just like us. The thing I will remember the most about that day was when we went up in the “Eiffel Tower” which of course was a fact version of it. I am scared of heights and did not want to go up it. The girls finally talked me into it and I went up. Once we got to the top I was not about to go near the edge. We had been up at the top for a while and then all of a sudden I heard a loud rumble of thunder. I was ready to get on the ground at that point. I grabbed one of my friends and pulled them to the front of the line with me and I got out of there. Luckily I made it to the bottom safely. J Even though it was a rainy and dreary day, it was really fun and I will always remember it.

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