Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interview on Math 100.

Interview with: Emily Hogan

1.       What course are you currently taking?

-           Math 100

2.       Who is your teacher?

-           Bleichroth

3.       Would you recommend them to others?

-          “Yes!”

4.       If yes, Why?

-          “She is very helpful.”

5.       Is he/she easy to reach outside of class?

-          “We can email her with questions. I haven’t ever needed to email with her with questions though.”

6.       Is he/she clear and easy to understand?

-          “Yes, she is American!”

7.       What materials are required for this course?

-Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Binder, Review Sheet and Scientific Calculator

8.       When do you meet for this class? Time?

-          Lab on Wednesday from 10-10:50, then outside of class you have to complete 100 minutes on your own, in 3 days.

9.       Is a lot of work done outside of the actual classroom setting?

-          Yes, the 100minutes

10.   What are the requirements for this course?

-          Complete all assignments, pre-tests, and tests on time and complete the class with a C- or better.

11.   Are tests/quizzes timed?

-          No.

12.   What is your least favorite thing about this course?

-          “That I have to make up time sometimes.”

13.   What is your favorite thing about this course?

-          “Passing tests!”

14.   Why did you decide to take this course?

-          Core Requirement

15.   What is something someone should know about this class before considering to take it?

-          “It’s an online course and you are basically teaching yourself.”

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