Friday, April 6, 2012

After, After Prom.

This picture was taken after, after prom my senior year around 3 or 4 in the morning. This was probably one of the best nights ever. It was so much fun. After prom we all went to after prom and then after prom we went to my friend Greta’s house. All of us couple went and stayed the night. Zach, Me, Lacey, Tyson, Greta, Joe, Emily and Aaron all stayed. We were up all night and no one slept. We ate pizza, played cards and ping pong, watched movies and just enjoyed ourselves.  The thing I remember the best from that night was Aaron and Zach playing Wii and on one part they had to shake their butts and did. IT was probably the funniest thing ever to us at the time. I do not know if it was because it was so late or what but we all laughed so hard for the longest time. That night was so much fun because looking back on just last year. I have not seen some of those friends for months. I am just happy that we spent time together and made memories while we could.  

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