Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Holiday World incident.

Memories, Some you want to remember and some you would rather forget about.. This one, I would rather forget about.
     Carrie, Hope, Haley and I had been planning a trip to Holiday World for about a month and finally the day came. We met at Walmart and were off on our mini road trip. Once we got there we met up with Haley's boyfriend and three of his friends. We all spent the day together, enjoying all the rides and the water park. After spending basically all day there we decided we were all hungry again but did not want to pay for the costly amusment park food again. We decided to pack up and go out to eat somewhere. Finally we decided on Wendys. Once we got there, we all pilled out of the car and were ready to eat. I was driving, I got out and locked the doors. We all went inside and about the time I got to the front of the line I realized I did not have my wallet. It was pitch black outside and I asked one of the guys to walk me outside because the dark in a strange place kind of creeps me out. We walked outside and I grabbed my wallet. About the time that I was reaching for my wallet I realized that one of the girls had thrown their wet swimsuit in my seat. I decided to move it so that I would not have to sit in a wet seat on the way home. I sat my keys down in the drivers seat and grabbed the swimsuit, with intentions of putting it in my trunk. Once I had walked around my car to the trunk I realized I did not have my keys. Without my keys I could not get into my trunk or my car. I had locked my keys in car. I began freaking out because we were still about fourty five minutes from home. I called my dad and asked him what I should do. He told me to call the police and if they could not help me then he said he would have to come give me our spare key. We ran over to the gas station and asked the workers for the number to police station, they gave it to us and I called. The police officer told me it would be about fifteen minutes before an officer could be there to help me. By that time my friends were out in the parking lot asking what was taking us so long. I explained to them what happened and that the police were coming. Once the police officer came I had to sign some papers and he unlocked my car. After he unlocked it he stood and talked to us for a little, basically giving me a hard time about the situation. Once my car was unlocked, I was not hungry anymore and I was just ready to go home.

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