Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Novelist Ernest Hemingway once defined courage as "grace under pressure." I went to preschool with this girl and it seems like I have known her forever. We went to the same church together and basically grew up right beside one another. We were always doing things together and considered each other really good friends. I always enjoyed her as a friends because we had the same religious views on things and knew what was right from wrong. This incident happened in the 8th grade I believe. Everyone always hears of bullying. This incident involved bullying in it. We were sitting at lunch and over heard a couple other girls talking badly about this other girl we knew. They were using words that did not describe her at all. They kept saying she had done things with on of the girls boyfriends. Which was completely not true. At that point my friend was getting mad and wanted to tell them just to stop talking about her behind her back. I told her just to forget it and not get involved. She did not listen to me and got up. She walked over to their table and told them it was not nice to talk behind others backs especially if everything they were saying was not true. Those girls did not like what she had to say very well and hit her in the face. I jumped up and grabbed my friend and took her to the bathroom. This incident opened my eyes. All she was doing was standing up for someone and she gets hit in the face. I think that was completely unfair but I was proud to call her my friend. She stood up for what she knew was wrong. It made me realize I needed to stand up more in certain incidents.

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