Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Knowing your audience.

Knowing who your audience is very useful when giving a speech. This information can help anyone who is going to give a speech/presentation to a group of people. By knowing your audience it helps you to plan appropriately to their level. How do you get to know your audience? Well this can be done very easily. Some important information to know about your audience is age, occupation, religion, and ethnic background. By knowing the age you will be able to adjust the infomation to their level. You would want to speak differently college students than you would elementary students. You want to know the occupation of those you will be speaking to and make sure you get your point across. If you were giving a presentation to your boss for something you would want to make sure it was the best it could be and want to impress him or her. Also, by knowing the religion and ethnic group you are presenting to it can help you be sure not a affend your audience. You want to get your point across but you may to change a few things up. Especially if it may offend someone personally. I am not exactly sure how getting to know your audience was invented but I think it is more common since than anything. By getting to know your audience it helps your presentation be affective and well meaningful.

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