Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring Break 2010.

I am so ready for Spring Break!! I am going to Florida just like I have every year. I have been to Florida every year since I was six months old. My grandparents go down every winter and stay for four months. They have a house down there which is in a town called Sebring. It is a gorgeous little town in southern Florida. From my house it takes us around seventeen hours to get there. When just mom and I go we fly but when dad goes we drive and this year we are driving. I am really excited about this year because we are all going and we do not always get to do that. Also this year my best friend Emily is going with us. She has never been to Florida before so she is coming with us. It will be a lot more fun with her there. The drive is going to be long but it will be worth it. We always get up at the crack of dawn and drive through the night. It is kind of nice driving at night because I will usually sleep several hours and it makes the time go by so much faster. Not only do we spend time with my grandparents but we do all kinds of things. We usually spend a couple days at the ocean, shop, get our nails done, eat out and whatever else we decide to do. I love going to Florida. I have made so many memories there over the years. It is fun sometimes to just get away from here and enjoy time with family.

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