Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Would the world be bettter without religion?

I am going to be honest and start out by saying I did not understand half of things they were talking about during this debate. Most of it was way over my head. But there were a few things that I did understand so I am going to focus on those. In this debate one side was arguing that the world would be better without religion and the other was debating that it would not be better. One remark that was made stated that without religion people would not know where to seek help. Religious people are always offering help to others. The give, volunteer, and always available during communties projects. They said religion is a type of physologial thinking that is instiled to ones mind. The side that said the world would be better without religion stated that there are so many different gods who is one suppose to choose. That is so true but I believe depending on your religion that is the god you choose to follow you do not worry about the so called "other" gods. Without religion in the world it would be poor, sadder and cruel to all. It is a sense of hope for people. I like who the side that is for religion stated that an atheist is a person who is angry with god. Religion is all about empathy and moral values. This debate was very interesting but by no means changed my thinking on the topic.

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