Tuesday, January 17, 2012

B.E.S.T. Friends :)

Through thick and thin, we will always have each others backs! :)

     When I think of a friend I think of someone you have had a casual conversation with and that you are somewhat aquainted with. But when I think of a best friend I think of someone who you knows exactly who you are, someone who can tell when you upset or having a bad day. Someone who you can share anything and everything with. Someone you can trust and that will always be there for you. Someone who is willing to let you cry on their shoulder and always up for giving helpful advise.
     In this picture you can see both of my best friends, Lacey and Greta. This picture was taken right after homecoming our senior year. All three of us were nominated from homecoming queen along with two other girls. Unfortunatly I did not win but that it was ok because Lacey did. I told her I was jealous but in all seriousness she knew I was really excited for her. She told me that I could try the crown on so that I would not be too jealous. I did and we took this picture.
     Not only does this picture remind me of homecoming along with other high school memories we were involved in together but it also reminds me that no matter what we are always going to be there for each other. Us three have been through alot together, family issues, drama, boy trouble and all the other usual teenage drama. I hope we continue to stay this way. Now that we are all off at college and all going to different schools we do not really get the oppurtunity to hangout as much together but hopefully if will interfer with our friendship. We talk all the time still and keep each other up to date. I love these girls to death and would do anything for them!!! :)

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