Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who Am I??

Who am I? That is an extremely tough question for me to answer about myself. To be honest I have not exactly figured that out whom I am. 
              I would like to think of myself as a bright and intelligent young woman. I think I am outgoing and someone who is always up for a challenge. I am reliable and someone who others can trust. A person who others can talk to about personal issues or just about anything that is going on in their lives. I like to think younger kids look up to me when I help at church and at the elementary school back home as a role model. I like to think of myself as a strong Christian and one who tells others about my beliefs and one that is not afraid to stick up for them. I try to standout and be my own person. I like to think that I do not care what others think or say about me.
            But deep down I care way too much about what others think about me, I take it to heart. Even when my friends are joking around and messing with me, they may not think it bothers me but really it does. I get embarrassed easily if I do something wrong or say something dumb, I turn bright red. I am shy and jealous. I tend to be jealous of others, especially those who have talents like people who can sing, good at sports, photography, etc. I have yet to find anything I am talented with. I also find myself jealous of those who have expensive and fancy things. I have been known to question my faith. I always wonder why certain things happen and for what reason.
           I do not like the term two faced and that is not what I think of myself. I view myself as a young woman who is somewhat scared to be who she actually is, afraid of what others will think. As I am getting older I am beginning to not care as much of what others think about and truly finding who I am as a person. Even though I have yet to fully figure out who I am, I can say that someday I will know. My goal is to be known for something great and one that people will always remember.

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