Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I Cross My Heart ♥

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/UnFs7SCI3ZM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Everyone has a song that they love. One that has meaning to them or that they can relate to. For me, "I Cross My Heart" by George Strait is by far my favorite song ever. The words in the song are so touching and can definitely grasp the listeners attention. The first time I heard this song I was not completely paying attention, I just heard bits and pieces of it. The parts that I did hear I loved. I instantly wanted to hear the complete song. Ever since I heard the complete song it has been my favorite by far. The words are so meaningful and can definitely touch someones heart. Someday I hope to find a love like this and that is true. This is the perfect song in my eyes and one day I want it to be played at my wedding so I can share my favorite song with the love of my life and promise them exactly what is said in the song.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Spring Break 2010.

I am so ready for Spring Break!! I am going to Florida just like I have every year. I have been to Florida every year since I was six months old. My grandparents go down every winter and stay for four months. They have a house down there which is in a town called Sebring. It is a gorgeous little town in southern Florida. From my house it takes us around seventeen hours to get there. When just mom and I go we fly but when dad goes we drive and this year we are driving. I am really excited about this year because we are all going and we do not always get to do that. Also this year my best friend Emily is going with us. She has never been to Florida before so she is coming with us. It will be a lot more fun with her there. The drive is going to be long but it will be worth it. We always get up at the crack of dawn and drive through the night. It is kind of nice driving at night because I will usually sleep several hours and it makes the time go by so much faster. Not only do we spend time with my grandparents but we do all kinds of things. We usually spend a couple days at the ocean, shop, get our nails done, eat out and whatever else we decide to do. I love going to Florida. I have made so many memories there over the years. It is fun sometimes to just get away from here and enjoy time with family.


If I was part of an organization and was given $10,000 to fix a problem on campus I would use to switch internet services. Recently I have heard several other USI student complain about the internet connection and I am right there with them. It seems like every week I have problem with the internet here somehow. For instance sometime I cannot connect to the internet and I am not able to do anything with it and other times I can connect but not everything will load on the site I need. Several times I have had trouble with getting on MyUSI and Blackboard and that can be a hassle especially since more teachers require things to be turned in through Blackboard. If Blackboard is down then what, you cannot turn your assignment in. So, if we were given $10,000 we would find a solution to this problem. I know it affects us all.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Biology Class.

Everyone has a subject that they do not like or one that they find challenging. For me I would have to say biology is my worst and my least favorite subject. This semester I am currently enrolled in Bio 105 and my teacher is Barbara Kalvelage. We call her Mrs. K. For the first time I actually feel like I am understanding a biology class. Mrs. K has an awesome teaching ability and it honestly works. She is great with using visuals to make the class understand things. She always offers special study sessions where we can go and ask questions one on one with her. During class we follow along with a lecture guide and the study guide is basically the test. If you study the lecture guide you should be okay on the test. Her tests are not impossible but you do have to study. In lab she always makes it fun and interesting. She can turn something very boring into something fun and interesting. We have lab manuals that we follow along with during labs and answer questions. The lab manual tells us what will be on the practical. Like in lecture if you study the lab manual you will do fine on the tests. The lab manual has the exact pictures and models that will be used on the practical. She is passionate about her work and has our best interest at hand. She can be fun and crazy at times to lively us up. I would definitely recommend her to anyone. She is a great teacher.


Family is one of the best things in life. My family means to world to me and I don’t know what I would do with them in my life. In this picture are my mom and dad. We took this picture in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is one of many one day trips we have taken over the years. But this one seems to be special and a little different. I hadn’t been home in like a month so over Christmas break we went and spent the entire day in Cincinnati together. We left at 6 in the morning and did not get home until around 11 at night. It was one of the best days I had in quite a while. We went to the aquarium, saw a movie, went shopping in downtown and ate out. While at the aquarium we saw tons of underwater animals, and even had the opportunity to see Santa scuba dive, not many people can say that! We went to theater in the mall and saw a movie and did some shopping. We ended our day by eating at a local seafood restaurant. It was a simple day but it was so much fun to get to spend it with my mom and dad since I had not seen them in a while. My parents have always been there for me no matter what and I know they always will be. When I need help fixing something or if I am hurt I will always go to my dad and when I need comforting or someone to talk to I tend to go to my mom. But I know no matter the situation I will always have both of them there for me. We are a close family and I would not change that for anything. I hope that someday when I have a family of my own we will be able to take these days trips, make memories and become a close family like mine is now.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Senior Trip.

We took our Senior Trip to Kings Island. It was not the best day to go to an amusement park. It was cold and poured down rain the entire day. But we did our best to make it the best we could. This may look like the weather was nice out but it was not. This was one of the few breaks from the weather that we got. In this picture there is me, Greta, McKinzie (Mabel), Emily, and Lacey. We all spent the day together. The whole day we stood in long lines in the pouring rain but we made it worth it. We turned a nasty day into a day I will never forget. We stood in line for a certain roller coaster for an hour and a half and then they ended up shutting it down due to the weather. We gave up and went to another ride. Throughout the day we would run into other classmates and see them drenched just like us. The thing I will remember the most about that day was when we went up in the “Eiffel Tower” which of course was a fact version of it. I am scared of heights and did not want to go up it. The girls finally talked me into it and I went up. Once we got to the top I was not about to go near the edge. We had been up at the top for a while and then all of a sudden I heard a loud rumble of thunder. I was ready to get on the ground at that point. I grabbed one of my friends and pulled them to the front of the line with me and I got out of there. Luckily I made it to the bottom safely. J Even though it was a rainy and dreary day, it was really fun and I will always remember it.

Last Day of Senior Yr.

 Senior Year 2011. This picture was taken on our last full day of school my senior year. This has been a tradition at Paoli High School basically forever and we were not about to be the class to stop it. We all gathered in the hallway, counted to three and threw all the papers in our lockers up in the air out in the hallway. We were so loud in the hallway but we did not care. It was basically the end of our senior year and we everyone to know we were out of there. We all stood around talking about different things and reminiscing on our Senior Year. I took this picture after we were done. The hallway was a complete mess. I love to look at this picture and think back on senior year and all the different things we did together as a class. I wish we would have done a lot more together as a class before our senior year. But our senior year definitely brought us together as a class. We did several things our senior year. We had our senior trip where we to Kings Island, a bunch of us got together one day when we did not have school and went to Frecklick. We all met at Denny’s, had lunch and walked around the hotel and dome. We had spirit competitions at school and several of us would get together and come up with ideas to outdo the others classes. Those were just a few of the things we did together. I miss high school at times and all my friends being together. I hope we all continue to be friends and do not completely grow apart.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Novelist Ernest Hemingway once defined courage as "grace under pressure." I went to preschool with this girl and it seems like I have known her forever. We went to the same church together and basically grew up right beside one another. We were always doing things together and considered each other really good friends. I always enjoyed her as a friends because we had the same religious views on things and knew what was right from wrong. This incident happened in the 8th grade I believe. Everyone always hears of bullying. This incident involved bullying in it. We were sitting at lunch and over heard a couple other girls talking badly about this other girl we knew. They were using words that did not describe her at all. They kept saying she had done things with on of the girls boyfriends. Which was completely not true. At that point my friend was getting mad and wanted to tell them just to stop talking about her behind her back. I told her just to forget it and not get involved. She did not listen to me and got up. She walked over to their table and told them it was not nice to talk behind others backs especially if everything they were saying was not true. Those girls did not like what she had to say very well and hit her in the face. I jumped up and grabbed my friend and took her to the bathroom. This incident opened my eyes. All she was doing was standing up for someone and she gets hit in the face. I think that was completely unfair but I was proud to call her my friend. She stood up for what she knew was wrong. It made me realize I needed to stand up more in certain incidents.

Knowing your audience.

Knowing who your audience is very useful when giving a speech. This information can help anyone who is going to give a speech/presentation to a group of people. By knowing your audience it helps you to plan appropriately to their level. How do you get to know your audience? Well this can be done very easily. Some important information to know about your audience is age, occupation, religion, and ethnic background. By knowing the age you will be able to adjust the infomation to their level. You would want to speak differently college students than you would elementary students. You want to know the occupation of those you will be speaking to and make sure you get your point across. If you were giving a presentation to your boss for something you would want to make sure it was the best it could be and want to impress him or her. Also, by knowing the religion and ethnic group you are presenting to it can help you be sure not a affend your audience. You want to get your point across but you may to change a few things up. Especially if it may offend someone personally. I am not exactly sure how getting to know your audience was invented but I think it is more common since than anything. By getting to know your audience it helps your presentation be affective and well meaningful.