Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Do too many kids go to college???

My first thought when I heard "Do too many kids go to college," was the obvious no. Education is the most important thing when somes todays society. We all want good jobs like we enojoy, ones that have  a nice paycheck, and ones that can give us the lives that we want. After the debate I still feel the same way about my opinion. Education has always been taught to us as the best thing you can do in life, to get the best and most education you can. College has always been expensive and will continue to be. Is it really worth it? I think it is, it is worth the nightmare of not knowing whether you can afford it or not. I think we need to forcus more on the outcome than the now. When deciding a career we must look into it and see will there be jobs when I get out of school or should I look for something different. If you go to school for a major and recieve your degree then you get out into the "real world" and you cannot find a job that is your own fault. Research what jobs are on the rise and what you know will always be around and have a need for workers in that field. One of the men in the debate said that college students are not going to school for the education the are going for the "paper," the degree. I some what disagree with that responce. There are students that are passionate about education and want the best for their future, but on the other hand there are other students who just go to school to get the "paper" and to make money. This topic could be looked at many different ways and everyone has their opinions.

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