Monday, October 17, 2011

Online Classes.

If you like doing everything on your own and are a very responsible person then online courses could be for you but if you prefer to be taught by an actual teacher in a classroom and interact with fellow classmates then I would not suggest you take on an online course. Online courses have both advantages and disadvantages, just like everything in life does. Through my experience with an online course I have found more disadvantages than advantages.

My personal experience with an online course has not been the best. I thought it was an easy course but now that the course is over I do not feel like I have taken anything away from it. I took Medical Terminology online since it was not offered as an actual class here at the University of Southern Indiana. It was only for half a semester and it included sixteen chapter exams.  Every exam had to be taken online through blackboard and I was able to take the exams whenever I had time as long as they were completed before a specific date. Each exam was allotted a certain amount of time to be completed in. One the first few exams I took I studied the book looking over all the words but eventually I began not studying ahead of time and just used the book and looked up most of the questions, there was enough time given to do that. I was in the middle of one of my exams and my computer froze up and it did not save it. Since I did not have the teacher there to help me, I had to email her and wait for a response on what I was too do. Luckily she reset the exam for me and I was able to retake it. I feel as if I paid for a course and I have not taken much from it.

With online courses there is no face to face interaction with either the professor or other students that are taking the course. If question arise you have to email the teacher and ask them. If you have difficulty with getting the program you are using to work you cannot just ask right then you will have to wait for a response. There are no group activities or interaction with other classmates. Also, since there is no interaction with the professor all assignments and exams must be done and turned in online.

Responsibility is a huge part when it comes to online courses. Since there is no set time or meeting place you are responsible to find time to get your assignments and exams done. The professors are not there reminding you when the assignments are due and how they need to be. You have to remember when everything is to be completed. With online courses you are responsible for you learning. You have to teach yourself self-discipline. Procrastinating is an easy thing to do because it easy to just keep putting off the assignment thinking that you will do it later. Time must be set aside each day to focus on the course and to complete the assignments, if not it is easy to get behind and to forget what is going on.

Technology, either you love it or you hate it. Since the course is online you will always be using a computer to complete everything. You must be able to operate the computer and the specific program that you will be using throughout the class. All the communication done with your professor is done through email, you must be able to have good writing skills and be able to use email to communicate effectively with them.

All college courses cost different amounts and that is the same for online courses also. They all need certain materials and require different materials. With online classes you still have to pay for the class, purchase the required book and etcetera. Also, with online courses you may be required to purchase certain computer program or software for the course that you would not need if it were not an online course.

    Basically it just depends on the person and their learning styles. I find online class more of a hassle and a lot more difficult. How you learn is your choice and whatever works for you is the best option.

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