Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prom 2011 ♥

This picture was taken my Senior year right before we walked up the steps into Prom. I had waited months and month for this day. For years I had always wanted my Senior to be the best that I could possibly make it. Prom was one of my best memories of high school. I always enjoyed the anticipation of dress shopping with my mom, deciding who I would go with and just dreaming about how my special night would go. The dress I ended up wearing was actually the first and only dress I tried on, I loved it and knew it was the one for me. I went my boyfriend at the time, Zack. He made the night great. After taking millions of pictures at both of our houses we finally got to leave and go. When we arrived we met up with all our friends and was ready for the night to start. Us girls had been talking about it constantly within those last few weeks. We all we looking at magazines and talking about how we wanted to get our hair done. One of my friends came across a page that was advertising the New Prom Garters. She told us about them and how we should all get one and a "funny" between us three. We decided too but we did not tell each other what ours look like until prom night. That will always be a memory I will never forget. We had not told our moms that we got them. The looks on there face when we pulled our dresses up was priceless. At first we could tell they did not know what to think, but they were not mad. They us girls were silly, and liked to do things like that. This picture represents me and one of the best nights of my high school career. Just those simple little garders brought so much laugher to us girls. Just the fact that we had actually bought them and did it together was priceless. Still today everyone in a while one of us will bring it up. I actually have this exact picture hanging up in my room at home with my garter hanging on the side of it. Everytime I look at it, it brings back the memories of the night that I spent with my girls at Prom making memories that I will always remember. 

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