Monday, March 26, 2012

My Weekend.

This past weekend has been the best! I went home for the first time in a month. That was the longest I have been away from home. I came home Thursday after my classes since I do not have classes on Friday. Friday I went out to lunch with my Mamaw. After my mom got off work we went to walmart and then came home. Mom fixed dinner which tasted so good. Her cooking beats the food on campus any day. Friday night I got to see one of my friends from high school that I had not seen in months. We went and got ice cream at Dairy Queen and then just hung out and talked for a while. It was great catching up and seeing him. Saturday I spent the day with mom and dad in Louisville for my dad’s birthday. We ate at Kingfish and did some shopping. It was so much fun just getting to spend the day with them. Sunday we all went to church and had lunch at my mamaw and papaws house. After I spent some time with them I came home packed and went back to school. I had such a great weekend and would not have changed it for anything. I had definitely missed home and my family.  I doubt I go a month again without coming home, it is not worth it.

Mirror, Mirror.

I choose the article titled, “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Do The Data Tell It All?” In this article is about someone who keeps track of literally everything. He is addicted to numbers and considers himself a nerd. He keeps track of every email he has ever received and sent, GPS location tracks, Medical test data, “endless” cooperate records, his complete genome, and all the time he has spent exercising. He basically knows everything about himself, and has record of everything.  


-Students should work one year between high school and college.

Claim: I think young adults should start college right out of high school.

I do not agree with this statement. I feel like after school it is the young adult’s decision to decide what they want to do, whether that be to pursue a career right out of high school or to start college. In my opinion college is not for everyone.  Some choose to get a job for a year after high school so that they can save money up for school. College is expensive and that year saving up can really help. But I feel like it is best to start college right out of high school. I think they are more likely to be motivated and to stick with it. If one waits a year then they may not decide to go back to school and just continue working never getting the opportunity to do what they want.