Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inquiry Project: The Reading Literacy Memoir

      For as long as I can remember I have always been reading. I can remember my mom reading books to me when I was a little girl. Every night before I would go to sleep she would always have to read to me so that I would fall asleep. As the years have gone by my reading has progressed. Instead of reading Dr. Seuss, I am reading books like the Scarlet Letter and How to Kill a Mockingbird. Being told in high school that I had to read certain book always took the fun away in reading especially if the book was not something I enjoyed. One of my favorite assignments from high school was when the teacher told us to pick any book we wanted, read it and write a three page paper over it. This gave me the opportunity to pick whatever I wanted and was interested in. By having the chance to pick what I wanted to read, my grade was higher and I felt like I was more involved in the assignment. Another experience I have encountered with reading is reading out loud in front of people. In class we would be picked on to read aloud. I always hated that. I felt like if I mispronounced the word or just did not know it that I would be judged for that. I never volunteered to read out loud. Still to this day is makes me nervous reading out loud in front of people.

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