Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Inquiry Project: The Reading Literacy Memoir

      For as long as I can remember I have always been reading. I can remember my mom reading books to me when I was a little girl. Every night before I would go to sleep she would always have to read to me so that I would fall asleep. As the years have gone by my reading has progressed. Instead of reading Dr. Seuss, I am reading books like the Scarlet Letter and How to Kill a Mockingbird. Being told in high school that I had to read certain book always took the fun away in reading especially if the book was not something I enjoyed. One of my favorite assignments from high school was when the teacher told us to pick any book we wanted, read it and write a three page paper over it. This gave me the opportunity to pick whatever I wanted and was interested in. By having the chance to pick what I wanted to read, my grade was higher and I felt like I was more involved in the assignment. Another experience I have encountered with reading is reading out loud in front of people. In class we would be picked on to read aloud. I always hated that. I felt like if I mispronounced the word or just did not know it that I would be judged for that. I never volunteered to read out loud. Still to this day is makes me nervous reading out loud in front of people.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"A Roomful of Details"

Mamaw's Kitchen...
yummy smells
homecooked meals

Everytime I smell something delicious it automaticially makes me think of my Mamaw. It makes me think of all those times when I was younger and we would make all kinds of yummy treats. All the messes we would make but she nevered cared because she loved those moments just as much as I did. Once we were finally done the smell of whatever we had made would fill the house up. It would always smell wonderuful. I always felt a great satisfaction for what I had accomplished. I will always remember this memory of her and I. I was at the age where I wanted to help with everything.  She was in the kitchen making dinner and of course I wanted to help, she got my little stool out so I could reach the counter tops. No matter how busy she was she always could find a little something for me to do. After helping make dinner I would play waitress with my Papaw I would go up to him in the living room and ask him for his order and he would always play along.

#5. "Practice is the key to a writer's development. The more a writer writes, the more he or she will improve." This statement is bascially saying that practice makes perfect and I one hundred percent agree with that. The more a writer writes and learns the techniques and rules of writing the better writer he or she will become. By learning the different techniques and rules the better the writing will flow and makes since to the reader.

#2. "The best way to develop as a writer is to imitate the writing of the people you want to write like." Wrong. Everyone has their own writing styles. As people begin to write they create who they are as a writer. If everyone imitated someone in their writings then everything would begin to be the same because people would start to write the same. Everyone wants varitey. By becoming your own writer it makes everything interesting and different.