Thursday, September 29, 2011


I observed a nature trail that was on the side of the walking/ running path by the baseball and soccer field. I had never been on it until today but I knew it was there. Throughout the trail I encountered several different things. I could hear grass being mowed, the sound of birds chirping, off in the distance we could the sound of a water fountain, and the sound of the trees blowing in the wind. As I walked I mainly saw trees, dirt, plants, clouds, and even saw a squirrel and lizard. The sky was clear blue with a few clouds. As I walked father I saw a little lake with four water fountains in it. I felt the sun beating down on me and the warmth of the water. Throughout the walk I did not taste anything. I smelt the fresh air and the smell of nature. It was a nice little adventure and I ended up observing alot.